Worst: Humidity is pretty much at 100 percent
Most Unexpected: Getting a tornado warning for later today.
Thunder and lightning again last night, but we were able to pack up without getting wet. We entered the hills of Ohio, and then crossed the border to Pennsylvania, land of the big hills.
Got a picture of the sign entering Ohio from the other side to make up for the lack of the sign on the other side of the state.
Up and down hills for most of the short ride, some up to 12 percent. Good training for the future days in Pennsylvania. I probably will miss tomorrows blog due to going to Falling Water and getting to camp really late, but I will make up for it the next day. This is a short blog due to pending hurricane warnings, so here is your pictures for the day.
A little foggy all morning, a result of the 100 percent humidity. We were not hot on the ride, but when we stopped we broke into a full out sweat.
The hills of Pennsylvania!
And you wonder why this business went kaput. American foods serving German meat prouducts?
Can't wait for Falling Water pictures tomorrow! That's the reason you did the trip again, right? To see it this time around?