Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 37, Kendalville to Napoleon Ohio, 70 rip roaring miles

Best: A restful ride today.

Worst: Forgetting to start my bike computer.  (I really don't have a worst, but this did happen)

Most Unexpected:  Stopping at the ice cream store and finding turtle sundaes were on sale.

Last night was warm, so instead of getting in my tent and sweating waiting for my fan to cool me down, I rode my bike down to the lake in my swim shorts, jumped in the lake, and rode back before I dried off.  I climbed into the tent, turned on the fan for about 15 minutes, and I was good.

We pushed back the truck load time until 6:00 because of the time change (it was dark later in the morning), and the shortness of the day.  It was still dark when we packed up our tents, and after loading the truck we were once again treated to a meal by the park and rec staff from Kendalville.  It was a good breakfast, and we started the day on a good note.  The first 12 miles were really fun as we hit our first set of rollers on the trip.  Rollers are hills that if you ride down them, you can get to the next top of the hill using mostly momentum and a little effort.  These are not to be confused with rolling hills we had previously ridden where you go down a hill, and only go up about 1/10 of the way of the next hill before having to pedal hard.  Rollers are fun, rolling hills aren't.  

The ride settled down into small undulations (mostly flat), and the next thing you know, we are at ice cream 2 miles away from our exciting camping experience at the county fairgrounds in Napoleon.  In honor of certain 2012 Big Riders, I had a large Turtle Sundae which just happened to be the special for the day.  I would expect any Turtles out there to comment on this blog. 

The fairgrounds are just as I remember them, bathrooms about 100 yards away.  They don't have my bike shorts that I left two years ago if you can believe it. After stopping for ice cream, setting up the tent and showering, I was pretty settled in before 1:00 and called home for some quality time.  Dinner tonight will be catered, and to help prepare me, I had a v8 to drink.  I know you are all hitting your head and saying 'wow, I could have had a v8. 

It is funny to consider today as a restful day at 70 miles, but after the last 4 days, this was a very peaceful and gloriously short day without any major exertion.  Lets review the mileage for the 4 days before today, 95, 105, 85, 112.  By my calculation this is very close to averaging 100 miles a day.  I should have done a bonus 3 miles to make it exact. Tomorrows ride to Sandusky will close out a fairly tough week, and set the stage for the hills of Pennsylvania. Still no major weather problems and today's high was probably 87.  There is a nice breeze blowing to help keep the temperature reasonable and induce naps.  Pictures were few, but of course they are of incredible quality.

Yeah this is the very clever sign indicating the state border we crossed today into Ohio.  The other indication that we were in Ohio shows up in the picture below.

The double yellow line starts in Ohio.  I am not sure why the double yellow isn't double at the end, maybe there was a border dispute.

Notice how Ohio looks different.

I am amazed at how much lawn these houses have to mow.  These aren't anywhere near the largest ones we saw.  I guess all they have to do for the weekend is ride their sitdown lawnmower.  Yesterday we saw a Mennonite lady pushing a giant lawnmower.

Flat with a tree. I was asked why I am always taking pictures from behind, First, it is more interesting with a rider in the picture, and second when I am in front, you can't tell because there is no one in front of me in the picture to prove i was in front.  Also turning around to take a picture of riders behind you is not a good idea with potholes in front.

I can't tell if they are posed or not.

2012 Big Riders!  I had the Large in your honor.  By the way, I saved 40 cents with this special.

This is our campsite and that is a horse barn in the background.  No horses but the fair does start in 2 weeks so our timing is good. 


  1. I want a turtle sundae! This has been a very hard week but you are doing great.

  2. Hey Rob, welcome to the home state. Having been there a few years ago, you actually have visited Ohio more than me over the last 5 years. Is is still there, or has it been paved down the middle by a government that has no pride? Have a good time going across the top of the state.

    John Pomidor
